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Parts - We have a large selection of used parts with a small listing here.  All prices are in US dollars and are firm.  We accept VISA and Mastercard or Certified Draft. We also have hard to find parts, try us.

CALL (901) 454-0655

MG Parts Description Price
MGB Dash Used $75
MGB Center Console Used $40 and up
MGB 72+ Tunnel Console Used $40
HS4 SU Carb. Used $100/pair
SU Carb Manifold Used $100
75+ MGB Int. Exh. Manif. Used $100
Rebuilt No Lead Heads Used $500 no core
Rods Used $20 each
Smog pumps Used $75
Rebuilt Front Calipers Used $75
Gauges Used $40 and up
Radiator Fans Used $20 and up
Wire Wheel Hubs Used $60

45 Dcoe and Warneford Manifold w/filter for MGB  $200
(Tim's toes are not for sale.)

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ANSA Header, NEW  for MGB   $180

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CALL (901) 454-0655


3554 Jackson Avenue Memphis, TN  38122 (901)454-0655